Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Facilitating leaders’ feedback conversations

Peer feedback conversation

Reflecting back patterns

Executive Coaching

Discussing situational leadership

Line Manager Coaching

In the moment feedback

Team Development

Understanding others’ conversations

Team Development

Taking the conversation outdoors

Graduate Coaching

High performance work outside

Team Development

Coffee break in Scotland

Team Development

Reflection and commitment

Time for reflection and commitment

Line Manager Training

Line Manager Training

Using singing to be in harmony

Team Building

A safe space

Coaching Walk

An engaged team

Team development

Using nature to inspire us

Coaching in a room with a view

Benefits of green-blue space

Another great coaching venue

Peer coaching conversations

Team members coaching each other

Facilitating learning

Meeting Facilitation

Feedback using Johari window

Encouraging feedback with Johari window

Choose your Tigger!

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Demonstrating vulnerability

Being an authentic leader

Lesley listening

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Making a commitment from learning

Team commitments

Self reflection on resilience

Line manager excellence

Gathering ideas


Discussing authenticity

Team Development

Global marketing team

Meeting Facilitation

Understanding conflict


Reflecting on my conflict style

Commiting to doing something differently

Motivational speaking at a networking event to share a model for bravery

Motivational Speaking

Tam engagement session in Germany

Discussing team Engagement

Discussing priorities

Line manager training

Goldfish bowl discussion

Goldfish bowl discussion

Celebrating a good day

High performing leadership team event

Sales directors having an honest conversation

Feebdack conversation

What’s it all about

Being clear on objectives

Pictorial agenda

Agenda for the 4 day HPT event

Agreeing ways of working

Breakout rooms

Train the trainer for internal coaches at John Lewis

Transition coaching workshop

Resources used in ransition coaching workshop

Transition coaching workshop

Making the most of conversations outdoors

Breakout group space

Using nature to support our conversations

Getting outside for a conversation

Partnering for performance

Leadership Coaching

A relaxed environment for a team event

Ready for clients

Planning our strategy

Breakout groups

Committing to action

Committing to action

Emotional Intelligence Workshop for veterinary professors

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Fresh air conversation

Trust conversation

Emotional intelligence workshop For global scientists

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Agreeing priorities

High Performance Teams

Looking forward to the day ahead

High Performance Teams

What do company values mean to me

Values Training

Using what nature offers

Outdoor Coaching Walk

Preparing in Edinburgh

Preparing for a Leadership workshop

Leadership workshop for elevator pitch on my leadership

Leadership Workshop

Leadership offer conversation

Leadership offer conversation

Wellbeing Workshop

Wellbeing Workshop

Coaching outdoors reflection moment

Coaching outdoors reflection moment

Line Manager Training

Line Manager Training

Lesley feels the story of her year on a racing yacht

In print

Motivational Speaking

Motivational Speaking

Employee engagement survey results into action

An Engaged team at the end of a Purpose and Strengths workshop

African leaders facilitated feedback

Feedback conversations

Clarifying understanding

High performance collaboration

Discussing roles and responsibilities

Discussing roles and responsibilities

Turning strategy into reality

Turning the learnings into deliverables

What will be different at the end of it

Turning objectives into outcomes

EMEA leadership team in Dubai

EMEA Leadership Team

Spur of the moment feedback

Feebdack line-up

Transition coaching at John Lewis

Transition coaching workshop

Transition coaching workshop conversations

Transition coaching workshop

European marketing team building trust

Shields exercise

Using MBTI to understand myself and others

Using MBTI preferences

Taking business leadership into sport

Leadership Coaching

Framing the day

HPT agenda

My role in the strategy

Breakout groups

Using a trust model


Building your giraffe

Team Building

Creating the environment for honesty

Trust conversation

High performance teams getting out of the office for good conversations

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

High performance workshop for global legal team

High Performance Teams

High Performance Teams

High Performance Teams

Knowing where to focus my energy

Leadership Development

Coachee reflecting while on a coaching walk

Coachee reflecting while on a coaching walk

Leadership workshop for financial sector

Some training rooms have amazing views!

Leadership Workshop

Leadership Workshop

Peer coaching

Peer coaching

Wellbeing workshop

Wellbeing workshop

Coaching outdoors location

Coaching outdoors location

Communication skills exercise

Communication Skills